

Know your travel spend data

Consolidate your travel information for a concise and comprehensive view of your group’s total travel spend. With Reporter’s secure web–based access you can view travel spend, measure preferred supplier usage, track travel behavior, monitor policy adherence and improve profitability.

Travel Data Accessible

  • Air spend by volume – department/divisions, top city pairs, average ticket costs
  • Ticketing trends – comparisons by quarter, year over year
  • Air savings – negotiated savings
  • Lost savings – reason codes provided
  • Over 95 standard reports available

Reporter captures travel data from a variety of sources, including all major GDS and back–office systems. With Reporter’s secure web–based access you are able to view travel spend, measure preferred supplier usage, track travel behavior, monitor policy adherence and improve profitability; all from anywhere in the world.


a comprehensive management reporting system and a configurable travel program dashboard